Analysis of the effectiveness of polypropylene fibers usage as sorbents of oil spills resulting from the transport accide
The effectiveness of polypropylene fibers as sorbents of oil-water emulsions was the object of the research in the present publication. Thus the sorption capacity of the synthetic material of the regional production with for emulsions of different concentration was investigated.
Article in Lithuanian.
Polipropileno pluošto naudojimo efektyvumas išsiliejus naftai transporto objektuose
Santrauka. Straipsnyje nagrinėjama polipropileno pluošto naudojimo avarinionaftos išsiliejimo metu problema. Polipropileno pluoštasnaudojamas kaip naftą sugerianti medžiaga. Pateiktos skirtingostorio polipropileno pluošto išsiliejusios naftos sugeriamumosavybės.
Raktiniai žodžiai: nafta, išsiliejimas, sorbentas, polipropileno pluoštas, sugeriamumas.
Keyword : oil spills, sorbent, polypropylene fibers, emulsions, imbibition, effective thickness

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