Evaluate Public-Private-Partnership’s advancement using double hierarchy hesitant fuzzy linguistic PROMETHEE with subjective and objective information from stakeholder perspective
Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) as an efficient mode to provide public services through the government and social capital’s cooperation has been in China for more than 30 years. In this paper, we propose an approach to evaluate PPP’s advancement in different areas based on the subjective and objective information fusion. At first, we establish an index system from the perspective of the stakeholder. Then, considering that double hierarchy hesitant fuzzy linguistic term set (DHHFLTS) that has two hierarchies of linguistic term sets can describe the subjective linguistic information more accurately, it is applied in the paper to depict the subjective information. By applying the entropy of the DHHFLTS, a programming model is proposed to derive the attribute weight through combining subjective evaluation with objective data. In addition, we develop the double hierarchy hesitant fuzzy linguistic PROMETHEE combining the subjective and objective information (DHHFL-PROMETHEE-S&O) method. At last, we illustrate the index system and the method with the PPP’s advancement evaluation problem, and we can find the best choice based on the ranking result. Meanwhile, we also find that the objective information and the subjective information are complementary in the evaluation process.
First published online 20 March 2019
Keyword : Public-Private-Partnership, double hierarchy hesitant fuzzy linguistic term set, PROMETHEE, subjective and objective information fusion

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