
Improving the strategies of the market players using an AI-powered price forecast for electricity market

    Adela Bâra Affiliation
    ; Simona-Vasilica Oprea Affiliation
    ; Cristian-Eugen Ciurea Affiliation


This paper analyses the recent evolution of the electricity price of one of the East-European countries’ Balancing Markets (BM) – Romania, aiming to understand the prices trend and predict them in the current economic and geopolitical context. This is especially important as the electricity producers have to allocate their output between wholesale electricity market, ancillary services markets and BM targeting to maximize value and achieve a sustainable economic development. Therefore, in this paper, we propose an AI-powered electricity price forecast using several types of standout Machine Learning (ML) algorithms such as classifiers and regressors to predict the electricity price on BM. This approach, consisting of two steps, identifies the imbalance sign and significantly enhances the performance of the price forecast. The proposed method offers valuable insights into the market participants’ trading opportunities using two prediction solutions. The first prediction solution consists of averaging the results of five ensemble ML algorithms. The second one consists in weighting the results of the five forecasting ML algorithms using either a linear regression or a decision tree algorithm. Thus, we propose to combine supervised and unsupervised ML algorithms and find the fundamentals for creating optimal bidding strategies for electricity market players.

First published online 14 November 2023

Keyword : electricity price forecast, balancing market, machine learning, classification, bidding strategy, trading probabilities

How to Cite
Bâra, A., Oprea, S.-V., & Ciurea, C.-E. (2024). Improving the strategies of the market players using an AI-powered price forecast for electricity market. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 30(1), 312–337.
Published in Issue
Feb 27, 2024
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