A robust optimization model with two uncertainties applied to supplier selection
Under intense industry competition, decision makers must ensure that products demanded by consumers can be quickly produced with minimum production cost. However, because uncertainties are unavoidable and inevitably affect decision makers, numerous studies have discussed how to control uncertainties or minimize their effects. Multiple uncertainties that interact simultaneously may cause a combined effect in actual systems. Therefore, this study presents a robust optimization model with two uncertainties, extending the method of robust optimization with one uncertainty. To demonstrate the applicability of the proposed model with two uncertainties, this study uses the supplier selection problem with component purchase quantity allocation in supply chain management as an analysis case. This considers the reliability of production and transportation and develops a multi-objective robust optimization model with two uncertainties. In addition, a nondominated sorting genetic algorithm is proposed for solving the proposed multi-objective robust optimization model. The relationship between price of robustness and budget parameters is explored by considering the robust optimization model with production and transportation uncertainties proposed in this study. Finally, there is a comparative analysis between the results for price of robustness in the proposed two-uncertainty model and in the one-uncertainty model.
First published online 15 December 2022
Keyword : robust optimization, multiple uncertainties, supplier selection, quantity allocation, supply chain, nondominated sorting genetic algorithm

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