
Identify and rank the challenges of implementing sustainable Supply Chain Blockchain Technology using the Bayesian Best Worst Method

    Peide Liu Affiliation
    ; Ayad Hendalianpour Affiliation
    ; Mohammad Hamzehlou Affiliation
    ; Mohammd Reza Feylizadeh Affiliation
    ; Jafar Razmi Affiliation


Globalization initiated the challenges in Supply Chain (SC) such as management and control. In this situation, Blockchain as a digital distributed ledger can guarantee clarity, tractability, and safety. Many case studies proved that we can use Blockchain Technology (BT) to solve global supply chain problems especially in smart contracts with their potential applications. BT is in its early period and it is hard to find supply chains that have successfully implemented this technology to track their sustainable actions. Therefore, it is worth studying about the role of customers, members, domestic, national, and international challenges that could resist implementing Blockchain and may affect SC sustainability. Accordingly, four categories of barriers to the use of BT are introduced which are inter-organizational, intra-organizational, technical, and external barriers. Then with Bayesian Best Worst Method, we ranked the BT barriers and the sub-barriers. The study illustrates the interconnection of these barriers and the priority of each element. The lack of business models and the best practices in implementing Blockchain technology is a challenge and it is important that practitioners acknowledge these barriers in the first steps.

First published online 04 May 2021

Keyword : Supply Chain, Blockchain Technology, Bayesian Best Worst Method, sustainable

How to Cite
Liu, P., Hendalianpour, A., Hamzehlou, M., Feylizadeh, M. R., & Razmi, J. (2021). Identify and rank the challenges of implementing sustainable Supply Chain Blockchain Technology using the Bayesian Best Worst Method. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 27(3), 656-680.
Published in Issue
May 25, 2021
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