
Analysis of laser sintering technology


The new, high-tech development and customization is one ofthe most important factors in promoting the country‘s economicgrowth indicators. The economic downturn in the industryrequires technology and equipment using a minimumof raw materials and providing maximum performance. Thisstatement perfectly describes the innovative, forward-looking, cost-effective laser powder sintering (SLS) technology. Here, thanks to the latest engineering achievements, product surfacesare modified and improved, they gain new characteristics. SLSis viable in automobile, engineering, construction, aerospace, aircraft, printing, medical and other areas. In order to create a product which meets the standards andtechnical documentation it is necessary to use and ensure highquality of raw materials, high-end equipment, qualified personnel, the working environment with proper climatic conditions, ergonomics, etc. But all of these, the quality of the product becomesthe decisive indicators meaningless if know how to properly selectthe laser processing operation. Scanning speed, beam power, pulse frequency, protective gases, powder layer thickness – all of them are the physical and mechanical characteristics of thechange in a small range changes the quality of the product of thefuture, the field of application and performance characteristics.

Article in Lithuanian.

Lazerinės miltelių sukepinimo technologijos analizė

Santrauka. Nagrinėjama lazerinės miltelių sukepinimo technologijos esmė, fizikiniai ir mechaniniai proceso pagrindai bei pritaikymo sritys. Straipsnyje pateikta lazerinio miltelių sukepinimo proceso, pagrindinių proceso eigą veikiančių dedamųjų ir miltelių, kaip pagrindinės žaliavos, charakteristikų analizė.

Reikšminiai žodžiai: sukepinimas, lazeris, milteliai, režimai.

Keyword : Sintering, laser, powder, modes

How to Cite
Markovič, V., Černašėjus, O., & Prokopovič, V. (2013). Analysis of laser sintering technology. Mokslas – Lietuvos Ateitis / Science – Future of Lithuania, 5(6), 676-679.
Published in Issue
Dec 31, 2013
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