Assessing of monthly surface water changes impact on thermal human discomfort in Baghdad
In urban areas, surface water bodies play an important role in mitigating thermal discomfort, which is mainly caused by increasing air temperatures. Based on daily temperature and relative humidity data recorded by the Baghdad weather station for the two years 2018 and 2021, the monthly human discomfort index was calculated and then combined with monthly surface water areas extracted by a modified normalized difference water index using Sentinel-2A satellite imagery for the same period. The results show that the winter and most spring months of these years have no discomfort, and the summer months (July and August) in 2021 have the highest discomfort with severe thermal stress due to the large deficit in rainfall events. The monthly relationship between urban water surfaces and the level of the discomfort index was also studied, which was non-linear and followed the exponential decay function. This means that as the amount of surface water increased, the levels of the discomfort index decreased exponentially until no discomfort conditions existed.
Keyword : surface water, MNDWI, Sentinel-2A satellite, discomfort index, surface water bodies, Baghdad

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