
Determinants of innovation in a small open economy: a multidimensional perspective

    Luísa Carvalho Affiliation
    ; Teresa Costa Affiliation
    ; Jorge Caiado Affiliation


This paper uses logistic regression analysis to examine how intramural and extramural R&D, acquisition of machinery, equipment and software, acquisition of external knowledge, training, market introduction and other procedures and technical preparations determine the innovation behaviour of manufacturing and service firms. We adopt a multidimensional view of innovation by considering product, process, organizational and marketing innovations as dependent variables separately. The study reports on the Community Innovation Survey (CIS4) of a small open-economy country. The empirical results indicate that intramural R&D has a positive impact on innovation. In contrast, the influence of extramural R&D on innovation is unclear. All innovation activities contribute towards organizational innovation. The study also suggests that there are no significant differences between services and manufacturing firms concerning the propensity to innovation.

Keyword : innovation, manufacturing firms, service firms, CIS

How to Cite
Carvalho, L., Costa, T., & Caiado, J. (2013). Determinants of innovation in a small open economy: a multidimensional perspective. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 14(3), 583-600.
Published in Issue
Jun 27, 2013
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