Geodesy and Cartography <p>Geodesy and Cartography publishes original research in the fields of geodesy, cartography, remote sensing, geoinformation systems, geoscience, land management and environmental sciences.&nbsp;<a href="">More information ...</a></p> Vilnius Gediminas Technical University en-US Geodesy and Cartography 2029-6991 <p>Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms</p> <ul> <li class="show">that this article contains no violation of any existing copyright or other third party right or any material of a libelous, confidential, or otherwise unlawful nature, and that I will indemnify and keep indemnified the Editor and THE PUBLISHER against all claims and expenses (including legal costs and expenses) arising from any breach of this warranty and the other warranties on my behalf in this agreement;</li> <li class="show">that I have obtained permission for and acknowledged the source of any illustrations, diagrams or other material included in the article of which I am not the copyright owner.</li> <li class="show">on behalf of any co-authors, I agree to this work being published in Geodesy and Cartography as&nbsp;Open Access, and licenced under a Creative Commons Licence, 4.0 <a href=""></a>. This licence allows for the fullest distribution and re-use of the work for the benefit of scholarly information.</li> </ul> <p>For authors that are not copyright owners in the work (for example government employees), please <a href="">contact VILNIUS TECH </a>to make alternative agreements.</p> Prediction of land use/land cover change in Indonesia using the open source land cover dataset: a review <p>Indonesia, as a promising developing country, faced with the fact that the development is not evenly distributed. Moreover, the number of people living in urban area is more and increasing at least 2.1% per year according to Central Statistics Agency (BPS). Hence, urban area has better transportation access and public facilites. However, high number of people living in urban area leads to spatial confilcts if spatial planning is not carried out based on sustainable development. For this reason, it is necessary to carry out long-term spatial planning using predictions of changes in land use/land cover in Indonesia. The purpose of this literature review is to get an overview of research development trends related to predictions of land use/land cover in Indonesia. Based on bibliometric analysis, the research trend related to this topic is that most research locations are in urban areas using satellite imagery input data and the Cellular Automata-Marcov Chain (CA-MC) method for making predictive models. Meanwhile, open source land cover datasets have not been widely used in land use/land cover prediction research in Indonesia. This can be used as input for updating further research.</p> Yulia Indri Astuty Muhammad Dimyati Copyright (c) 2024 The Author(s). Published by Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 50 2 67–75 67–75 10.3846/gac.2024.19285 The methodology of straightening the land plot boundary in the course of land consolidation <p>The issue of land plot boundary straightening in the course of land consolidation has been examined in the study. Over the course of buying out and swapping, adjacent land plots are being incorporated into one land tenure. However, the land plots are inconvenient for cultivation due to broken boundaries. Measures on the boundary straightening comply with the demands of landowners at voluntary land consolidation, when they are interested in the least possible alteration of the boundaries of the existing land plots. The study aims at the substantiation of the methodology for the straightening of land plot boundary with the help of the peer exchange of their parts. Preconditions for the formation of broken boundaries in the course of land consolidation have been scrutinized. Algorithms for land plot boundary straightening with the help of the exchange of the parts of peer land plots have been suggested. The calculation of typical cases of broken boundary straightening has been suggested. The boundary straightening methodology has been tested in a land mass in Kyiv Region, Ukraine. The results of the research can be used in the course of voluntary land consolidation, at the developing of preliminary land reallotment plan for agricultural and built-up land.</p> Mykola Malashevskyi Olena Malashevska Copyright (c) 2024 The Author(s). Published by Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 50 2 76–83 76–83 10.3846/gac.2024.18752 Subsidence analysis of hydroelectric dam using the Kalman filter – a case study in Hoa Binh hydropower plant, Vietnam <p>Hydroelectric dams have a great influence on the safety of the downstream area. Therefore, deformation monitoring for assessing the safety of dam should be carried out regularly. In order to improve efficiency of the dam management, it is necessary to analyse the displacement values in space, over time to assess overally the displacement of dam. In this purpose, an attempt was conducted to analyse the subsidence of hydroelectric dams located in Hoa Binh, Vietnam using one of the most useful method – Kalman filter. Kalman filter is the unique method that can determine influence of external factors (particularly, elevation of water level in the reservoir) on dams, simultaneously forecast the displacement values of dam in the future. Moreover, Kalman filter allows to predict subsidence accurately in about 6 months that is longer prediction time than other static models. These are clearly presented and discussed in the article. The obtained results demonstrate the high applicability of Kalman filter method in analysing and forecasting the subsidence of the Hoa Binh hydroelectric dam.</p> Thi Kim Thanh Nguyen Copyright (c) 2024 The Author(s). Published by Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. 2024-07-04 2024-07-04 50 2 84–96 84–96 10.3846/gac.2024.18892 Identification of geological units in Alborz Mountain in Iran using Landsat-9 image <p>In the present study, the suitability of principal components analysis (PCA) based techniques was evaluated for identification of geological units from Landsat-9 satellite imagery. In this respect, a scene of Landsat-9 operational land imager 2 (OLI–2) data of the year 2023 was acquired and a geological map scale 1:100000 of the study area was used as the reference. The results indicated suitability of the PCA based techniques for discrimination of geological units from Landsat-9 image, especially the PCA of decorrelation stretch (DS) approach. The PCA-DS approach, which considered the advantages of both PCA and DS techniques, successfully identified all the geological units in the study area, including the Basalt, Sandstone, Dolomite, and Conglomerate. However, the performance of the PCA and DS techniques was also reasonable for this purpose. On the other hand, the study revealed weak performance of the minimum noise fraction (MNF) and PCA-MNF techniques for geological mapping using Landsat-9 imagery. In conclusion, the study demonstrated the advantage of the PCA-DS approach for geological mapping using Landsat-9 imagery; therefore, it may be useful in futures studies for geological mapping along the whole Alborz Mountain with similar lithological and geomorphological conditions.</p> Komeil Rokni Davood Akbari Copyright (c) 2024 The Author(s). Published by Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. 2024-08-14 2024-08-14 50 2 97–103 97–103 10.3846/gac.2024.17720