Vol 18 No 3 (2012)

Published: 2012-10-01


Intelligent agents and risk based model for supply chain management

Ion Smeureanu, Gheorghe Ruxanda, Andreea Diosteanu, Camelia Delcea, Liviu Adrian Cotfas
Abstract 628 | PDF Downloads 596 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/20294913.2012.702696

Page 452-469

Page 470-486

A hybrid MCDM model encompassing AHP and COPRAS-G methods for selecting company supplier in Iran

Sarfaraz Hashemkhani Zolfani, I-Shuo Chen, Nahid Rezaeiniya, Jolanta Tamošaitienė
Abstract 971 | PDF Downloads 855 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/20294913.2012.709472

Page 529-543